Gifts of Appreciated Securities

Gifts of Appreciated Securities
A women meeting with people at a conference

Securities and mutual funds that have increased in value are the most popular of assets to use when making a gift to UNH. Making a gift of securities or mutual funds offers you the chance to support UNH while realizing important financial benefits for yourself.

When you donate to UNH appreciated securities or mutual funds you have held more than one year, you can reduce or even eliminate federal capital gains taxes on the transfer. You may also be entitled to a federal income tax charitable deduction based on the fair market value of the securities at the time of the transfer.

Securities are most often donated to UNH in the form of:

An outright gift. When you donate securities to UNH, you receive the same income tax savings that you would if you wrote a check, but with the added benefit of eliminating capital gains taxes on the transfer, which can be as high as 20 percent. Making a gift of securities to support Wildcats is as easy as instructing your broker to transfer the shares.

A transfer on death (TOD) account. By placing a TOD* designation on your brokerage or investment account, that account will be paid over to one or more persons or charities after your lifetime. It is not necessary for the TOD designation to transfer all of the account solely to charity—-you can designate a certain percentage of the account. With a TOD account, the beneficiary you name has no rights to the funds until after your lifetime. Until that time, you are free to use the money in the brokerage account, to change the beneficiary or to close the account.

Ways to Use Appreciated Securities

  • A gift in your will or living trust. If you aren't ready to give up these assets during your lifetime, a gift of securities through your will or living trust allows you the flexibility to change your mind at any time. You can continue to receive dividends and participate in shareholder votes, and the securities are still yours if you need them for other expenses.
  • A donor-advised fund. When you contribute to a donor-advised fund with appreciated securities, you may receive a federal income tax charitable deduction for the fair market value of the asset and eliminate capital gains tax. Because UNH is a non-profit organization, we also do not pay capital gains tax when we sell the gifted securities to fund the designation you choose, so you can make greater impact than with cash.
  • An endowed gift. Create an endowment or contribute to one that is already established to ensure that your support of UNH will last forever. We can help guide you to the designation that means the most to you.
  • A charitable gift annuity. Funding a gift annuity with appreciated securities or mutual funds will not only provide you with reliable payments for life and allow you to support our work, but it can offer numerous financial benefits. First, your annuity payments are often more than the dividends you would receive each year from the securities. Second, you can receive a federal income tax charitable deduction (when you itemize) in the year the gift is made and eliminate part of the capital gains tax you would have paid if selling the securities.
  • A charitable remainder trust. Highly appreciated securities are one of the best ways to fund a charitable remainder trust. You may be reluctant to sell such assets directly because of the tax you would pay on the gain; however, if the assets are transferred to a charitable remainder trust, the assets can be sold without incurring the capital gains tax. The trustee can then reinvest the proceeds in order to secure a higher current income yield.
  • A charitable lead trust. Rapidly appreciating assets such as stocks are a great way to fund a charitable lead trust. The assets transferred to the lead trust are frozen in value for transfer-tax purposes at the time of funding. At the end of the trust's term, all appreciation that takes place in the trust will pass tax-free to your heirs.

*State laws govern payable on death accounts. Please consult with your bank representative or investment advisor if you are considering this gift.


Please provide these instructions for transfers of appreciated securities

Steward Partners/Raymond James
Mr. Constantine Harris, Financial Advisor
Maria Powers, Senior Registered Client Associate
145 Maplewood Avenue
Portsmouth, NH 03801
Tel: (603) 427-8872 or (844) 572-4435

Thompson Hall at sunset

Next Steps

  1.  Contact UNH's Office of Gift Planning so we can help you direct your gift of appreciated securities to the UNH cause that means the most to you.
  2. ​ Discuss the giving options with your personal advisors to be sure the gift vehicle you choose is the right fit for you.
  3.  For detailed information on making a gift of securities, please visit our GIVING STOCK page or contact our office.
  4.  Please let us know if you have made this gift to UNH in your estate plans, and we would be happy to recognize you in our Thompson Society, a special community of forward-thinking UNH alumni and friends who have created their legacy here. It is important to complete simple documentation with UNH to ensure we honor your wishes down the line.

Please feel free to share the sample bequest language below with your attorney:

Sample Language“I give to the University of New Hampshire Foundation, Inc., at 9 Edgewood Road, Durham NH 03824, a New Hampshire nonprofit corporation, or its successor, Federal Tax Identification Number 02‐0437506, [insert here a description of the particular property]."

Please use the legal information below and share with your trusted advisors.

Legal Name: The University of New Hampshire Foundation, Inc.
Address: 9 Edgewood Road, Durham NH 03824
Tax ID: 02‐0437506

We're here to help you!

Please contact the UNH Office of Gift Planning with your questions.


Phone: (603) 862-3694

Welcome to the Thompson Society!

Thompson Society UNH

During the Celebrate 150 Campaign (2012-2018), more than 200 families made planned gifts to UNH, ranging from $10,000 to millions of dollars, which have already started to have an impact on future generations. But the story of legacy goes back to the origins of UNH when Benjamin Thompson left his farm and other assets to establish what would ultimately become the Durham campus of the University of New Hampshire.

The Thompson legacy has impacted hundreds of thousands of lives, and yours can, too.

As a legacy donor, you'll become a member of the Thompson Society, a distinguished group of supporters who have documented planned gifts to UNH. The UNH Office of Gift Planning will work with you to explore options that best meet your philanthropic goals and timeline--whether you wish to make an immediate impact, generate income with your gift, or make gifts through your will. 

We look forward to welcoming you to this prestigious membership of generous donors providing support to generations of Wildcats to come, and we are honored to work with you to create your UNH legacy.